Be Future

How will you prepare for the challenges of 2023?

Private Virtual Roundtable
December 2022

The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

Alan Kay

With the ongoing war in Ukraine, a severe energy crisis and European inflation peaking at 8.8%, senior executives are preparing themselves for another turbulent 12 months [CNBC, 2022].

Yet, despite the bleak headlines, European organisations remain at the forefront of innovation and growth:

  • Europe continues to lead the world in achieving a net-zero carbon future in response to natural gas shortages [The Banker, 2022].
  • Supply chain disruptions have led to reconfigurations that will see efficiency skyrocket and costs dramatically cut in the coming year [McKinsey, 2022].
  • A new focus on Transversal technologies could present European businesses a 2-4 trillion euro growth opportunity by 2040 [McKinsey, 2022].

2023 will be unpredictable. But for the bold leader, adversity breeds innovation. That’s why we will be meeting for the final session of 2022 to explore the biggest challenges of the year ahead, and discuss how we can prepare for the crises yet to emerge. How will you be bold in 2023?

speaker - bruno marion

Bruno Marion, better known as the Futurist Monk, is an expert on global trends and innovation.

For the last 30 years, Bruno has travelled the world, meeting CEOs, religious leaders, gurus in India and in the Silicon Valley, people in jail, successful entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, and high level politicians to understand the latest innovations in science, technology, philosophy and spirituality.

Alongside his travels, Bruno has advised key executives from companies such as Airbus, AXA, Dior, Danone, Hermes, L’Oréal, Nestle, Reuters, Richemont, SAP, Siemens, Total. With a radical and unique disruptive approach, Bruno will help you to not only see and understand the future, he will actually help you to design and build the future you want with new practical tools powered by the science of Chaos.


Pathfinder, a community of business leaders, is supported by our club partner Verizon. The aim: to learn from one another by enabling cross-industry conversations, to discuss what might be around the corner and how we must adapt. With the event series running for nearly 2 years, members are encouraged to look beyond the horizon towards radical solutions that make a sustainable difference. Through collaboration and peer insights our community support each other on the journey of personal growth and leadership.